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Morah Adina Deckelbaum

Morah Adina Deckelbaum holds a dual Masters in Education and is an established mechaneches for over 20 years. She has most recently served as the Early Childhood Director at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan for the past 9 years and has become beloved in the West Side community, known for her trademark warmth, energy, creativity, and passion to help each child grow and succeed. She has raised the bar of education at Yeshiva Ketana’s preschool with students excelling in all academic areas. Her extensive educational background includes working in both integrated and mainstream classrooms and building curricula in both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. She has worked in multi-cultural environments and fuses her administrative experience and keen understanding of child development to inspire growth within each child. We are delighted that she has joined Bais Yaakov of the Upper West Side and will help shape the future of the girls in our community!

Mrs. Yocheved Jurkowitz
1st Grade Limudei Kodesh

Morah Yocheved Jurkowitz is a superstar in her field. As a first grade Morah for many years, she has earned a sterling reputation for connecting with her talmidos and creating an environment where each child can flourish and shine. Morah Yocheved is a teacher’s teacher and has authored and illustrated the widely acclaimed Safa Yafa curriculum which is being utilized at countless schools across the country. Morah Yocheved is a Kriah specialist par excellence and is known for her ability to help each student build Kriah fluency, laying a strong foundation for Chumash skills. Morah Yocheved uses her incredible artistic and creative talents as she serves as Art and Activity Director at the well-known Camp Bnoseinu summer camp.

Mrs. Laya Landsberg
1st Grade General Studies

Mrs. Laya Landsberg brings close to three decades of experience along with the latest academic and research-based methodologies to our first graders as they embark on their learning journey. Her ever-growing passion for continuous learning and dedication to using cutting-edge methods to reach each child instills a genuine love for learning in her students. Mrs. Landsberg is trained in both the Wilson/Fundations and Orton/Gillingham approaches to teaching reading. To enrich and solidify their academic achievement, Mrs. Landsberg utilizes Whole Brain Teaching, Social-Emotional Learning, and Brain Gym Exercises throughout the day. She has implemented the Math in Focus curriculum which is built within the Singapore math curriculum framework. This supports students in developing a strong conceptual understanding by placing emphasis on problem-solving strategies. Community ventures, timely lessons, and hands-on activities further enhance the learning experience.

Mrs. Devorah Meisels
Learning Center Director

Mrs. Devorah Meisels has over 15 years of experience in chinuch and has most recently served as a Kriah/reading specialist and core math educator for the past 12 years. Mrs. Meisels has earned her BA in psychology from Touro University and holds her Master's Degree in Special Education from Daeman College. She is passionate about meeting every child's academic needs and provides both scaffolding support and enrichment to our diverse learners. Mrs. Meisels works closely with both our Limudei Kodesh and General Studies teachers to help diversify curricular goals so each student is met at her individual learning capacity.

Miss Meirav Masri
Dance & Gymnastics Coach

Miss Meirav Masri received her BA in psychology from Touro University, and has 10 years of training in gymnastics and dance. She is a qualified tutor and works with children to help them achieve their personal, intellectual, and physical goals. Morah Meirav's charismatic and infectious smile endears her to her students and brings out their positive energy in their gym and gymnastics classes, a definite highlight of the week!

Mrs. Shayna Landau
Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Shayna Landau serves as administrative assistant and office manager. Mrs. Landau graduated from Lakewood Institute of Technology as a computer programmer and uses her skills of efficiency and organization to create a professional and smooth running of the Bais Yaakov office and admissions process. Mrs. Landau's background includes years of working in schools, summer camps, and after-school clubs which has helped her build a wonderful rapport with our students and staff and she avails herself to assist in whatever capacity she is needed.

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